Friday, September 15, 2006

Tale of Crime and Treason on the High Seas

You all know the book I'm talking about. It was filled with adventure, excitement, knowlegde and thrills. Laughs would come easily when one would read this grand novel.
Yes, it is Curious George.
We went down to the school library yesterday with Mr.()enkins. It was mostly filled with preschool. Seizing the chance, I grabbed my favorite book, Curious George Escapes from Prison, and sat down next to my teacher.
" Sir," I began," I would like to tell you a tale of crime and treason on the high seas. It all began one day in Africa, while-"
" Wait one minute, Curly. I cant read a book with you right now, no matter how exciting it is." he said.
" But sir! Surely you don't want to miss out on this! So, ahem, Curious George was a monkey. But he was no ordinary monkey. He was very curious. He lived in Africa.
One day, the big Yellow Man came to Africa to visit. He liked George a lot, and decided to kidnap him. So he put down his hat..."
I went on to tell him the thrilling epic, how George jumped overboard, how he would smoke every night before bed, how he was sent to prison and how he escaped. I told him how he flew over the Big City, and how he eventually went to the zoo to give all the animals balloons.
Mr. ()enkins didn't really like it, but I'm sure that comes from being a math teacher. Of course, all people love the tale of the curious monkey from exotic lands, and I'm suprised college students don't learn it. I mean, didn't you love Curuois George?


outofAMMO said...

I know. Im stealing Fugde's blog title.

Chaikers said...

Why do u always comment on ur own posts?

outofAMMO said...

why do you have a dog?

Chaikers said...

Do you always answer a question with a question?

outofAMMO said...

I dunno. do you?

Chaikers said...

does it look like it?

Mrs. Balabusta said...

For something completely different, you could do a review on Curious George takes a Job.

And leave your Teacher's names out of the blog. even partially.

outofAMMO said...

well as a matter of fact, today I read Curious George and the Dinosuar. That adorable monkey never fails to amuse me.

PsychoToddler said...

You know, there IS a spellchecking function in Blogger...

outofAMMO said...

there is!?

Rafiki said...

for those of us who need it...

outofAMMO said...

now I know why most monkeys don't talk.

What will happen to Rafiki is a good example of that.

miriamp said...

I had to read "Curious George Goes to the Hospital" in High School. Does that count? (In Spanish, for Spanish class.)

outofAMMO said...

I suppose. The story still comes through.