Sunday, September 10, 2006

Do you know those little cream filled cupcakes with frosting on top? With a little white stripe? Well, I gave one of those to the PT. Of course, five year olds are infamous for eating the frosting, but not the cake. So I say " its good, PT, see? its got yummy cream in the middle. It tastes great! so you can eat the cake!"
" Yummy!" she exclaims.
" so you're gonna eat the cake, right?"
" are you sure?"
" positive!"
I decide thats enough goading and let her eat her cake. Ten minutes later, I come back to the table to find no PT, but a topless cream filled cupcake sitting there. No frosting, just cake and cream. So I search the house for the responsible nutjob. And there she is, eating potato chips in the living room. So I confront her and ask," PT, why didnt you eat the cake?"
" I didnt like the cake!" she says.


outofAMMO said...

something just occured to me. this isnt actually all that funny.

Chaikers said...


outofAMMO said...

then again, what do I know?

PsychoToddler said...

Needs a better punch line. Like "that was not my cake" or something...funny

outofAMMO said...

I got a new avatar!