Sunday, October 29, 2006


Is that how you spell it? Well, anyway, I put on teffilin today. By the begining of shacaris, the circulation to my laft arm and hand had been cut off. At the end, they were both white and freezing. It was pretty painful. But they're probably going to be looser next time, though.
Its scary, thinking that I only have one month left to my Bar Mitzvah. It's even scarier that all my last posts haven't been able to top 3 paragraphs. Why can't I make a post that doesn't use up the idea in the first paragraph?
So I'm going to make this one four paragraphs, just to break the streak. Also, it will look very intimidating, when you log on and its like, a column of words descending to the bottom of the screen and you'll be like, woah, this post is very intimidating.
My sister could give this post five words: dead air, um, dead air. Its true. I probably won't make this paragraph very interesting. Better move on to the next one.
Wait! thats four!


Shira Salamone said...

Mazal tov!

outofAMMO said...

um...could you check out my father's post on Mazel Tov? I think I'm just gonna go with "thank you".

outofAMMO said...

Yes, um... thank you? Mazel tov? Right back at you?
Thx for making it an even 110. I couldn't stand having it at 109.

miriamp said...

Mazel Tov. And yes, I recommend "Thank you" when it's your simcha, as it is now. If we meet up at a wedding someday, we can wish each other Mazel Tov.

outofAMMO said...

ok. thank you.

.30cal said...

teffillin? um, i think the word you're looking for is, PHILACTERIES?

outofAMMO said...

Woah. Um, either you made that word up or you too much time on your hands. Or maybe both.