Thursday, October 05, 2006

Classroom Facisim

We were learning history a little while ago. We, of course, learning about Native Americans, as we have for the past five years, and after five years we were bored sick of it. So, someone proposed that we take a vote who wants to learn about Native Americans or the founding fathers. Our history teacher said NO. We went on to protest that his decision was unconstitutional, and that his decision to not learn about founding fathers in the first place was also unconstitutional. Our teacher declared," School is not a democracy. It is a dictatorship. And anyone who steps out of line will be punished."


outofAMMO said...

wow. I need more people like you to comment on my blog, anjaka.

.30cal said...


Chaikers said...

You should tell your teacher that throughout history dictatorship has never really been successful, and with it he will cause his own destruction.

.30cal said...

nah. just sit around and wait for the historical dialectic to kick in. viva la revolution!

Chaikers said...

Just think tho, when you need to take American History- you'll have all the Native American stuff down pat.

outofAMMO said...

If I told him he was heading to his doom, he just say I'm "out of order".

And I dont think "No Taxation with Representation!" is gonna work here.

Over all, the one who made the clearset point here was anjaka.

.30cal said...

yeah, well, he had no point.
wait- we're gonna have to take American History AGAIN???

Chaikers said...

well...11th grade usually has it...shouldn't u know that?

.30cal said...

um... i think i recall hearing something about it in the... news...

outofAMMO said...

Tell me there's no Native Americans in the American History class.

Chaikers said...

well... i was kinda making the exact opposite point. when u take american history you will already know all the stuff about the Native Americans since you've learned it so much.

outofAMMO said...

no comment.

Tzafra said...

My brother once had a teacher tell the class in the beginning of the year that they had to sign one of those papers that says that you're not going to cheat or blow the classroom up or whatever...he started reciting the Declaration of Independence.
I have to take Canadian history, so I wouldn't complain if I were you. You how BORING the Canadian Pacific Railway is?!?!?!?!

outofAMMO said...

wow. I mean, Canadian history? that IS pretty bad

.30cal said...

wow! There's a canadian pacific railway? By all means, tell us more!

outofAMMO said...

I think that's really all there is to know.

Tzafra said...

There must be something else to know, we spent about four months on it. Something to do with Confederation or something. I may have been asleep.