Thursday, August 07, 2008

About that summer job...

yeah. um.

To think I had all those plans of working the whole summer. Auctually doing something useful. Making money.
Of course that's now what happened. I got home from school, went down to the kosher grocery store, asked the manager about a job, to which she told me to call her back in the morning. And that's about how it ended. I hope shes still not waiting for me to call.
I woulda called her back, but Mom had other plans for the summer. When I got home, Mom informed me that I was
So she put me in charge of taking the PT and Iguana out to the park, museum, zoo, water park,etc. Which is auctually pretty fun, and I enjoy doing it (and getting to freeload the rest of the day) the only problem so far is: I'm don't get paid!!!
Which means that once again, I will come back to WITS broke. I hope my class can forgive me. (IT'S BEEN THREE FREAKIN' MONTHS! HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE THOSE FIVE BUCKS YET!!!???)


outofAMMO said...

in 'thats now what happened', that's supposed to be a 'not'.

PsychoToddler said...

Spending your summer entertaining The PT...priceless.

BTW when I was a kid, they'd have these commercials on TV for Opera recordings, and they'd ask, "Now how much would you pay for these priceless recordings?"

And I'd say, "Nothing. Isn't that what priceless means?"

iguana said...

I'd say the pt agrees with you.

Rafiki said...

if you come to wits broke, then how do you leave wits?...