If you dont eat your fruits and vegetables, the communists win!
wow....Sign #2 that you are in Yeshiva. You're needs more ideas than food related ones.
Good times, good times.
you know, rafiki actually spoiled this for me BEFORE YOU POSTED IT. yes, that's right - i have all the inside info on curly's future blogs!
NOOOOOOOO! Waitaminute....Rafiki is handing out FREE info on curly's blog? When's his next session?
just what in god's name is going on over here?free info on curly's blog???Rafiki!?Just what kind of conspiracy club are you guys runnin' here??
MUHAHAHAHAHAH! It's only a matter of time unitl your throne is mine OUTOFAMMO!! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
PS: I am NOT crazy
That's what all the crazy people say.
Are you defending yourself PT?
Has this blog been abandoned or something?
been awhile...again...
quit your whining
Are you back!? Post already! We want a new post!
shua, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? are you gonna leave school? do you want to have some crackers?
i don't know how to break this to you, but it's been more than THREE months since your last post.
Perel, you're not good at breaking bad news. I'll do it better.SHUA,IT'S BEEN LIKE THREE MONTHS SINCE YOUR LAST POST!POST AGAIN!
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wow....Sign #2 that you are in Yeshiva. You're needs more ideas than food related ones.
Good times, good times.
you know, rafiki actually spoiled this for me BEFORE YOU POSTED IT. yes, that's right - i have all the inside info on curly's future blogs!
NOOOOOOOO! Waitaminute....Rafiki is handing out FREE info on curly's blog? When's his next session?
just what in god's name is going on over here?
free info on curly's blog???
Just what kind of conspiracy club are you guys runnin' here??
MUHAHAHAHAHAH! It's only a matter of time unitl your throne is mine OUTOFAMMO!! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
PS: I am NOT crazy
That's what all the crazy people say.
Are you defending yourself PT?
Has this blog been abandoned or something?
been awhile...again...
quit your whining
Are you back!? Post already! We want a new post!
WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? are you gonna leave school? do you want to have some crackers?
i don't know how to break this to you, but it's been more than THREE months since your last post.
Perel, you're not good at breaking bad news. I'll do it better.
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