Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Scooby Superhero

"So, Pt, remember on Shabbos, that game you were playing with Iguana?"
"Scooby superhero?"
"Yeah. What was it about?"
" Well, Scooby superhero's evil twin invented a cloning machine and made a whole world of evil twins and called it 'evil twin clones land'."
" Yeah, I watched that part."
" You WATCHED us!? Oh no!"
" What, Pt?"
" Then now you know Scooby supehero's secret identity!"
"Who's that?"
" Scooby doo."
That is one crazy kid.


iguana said...

Actually, Scooby wasn't the one who traveled to Evil Twins Clone land, it was his pet alien, Tommy. Whenever Tommy said the word "Player", all the evil clones who heard it died.

PsychoToddler said...

>>Backing slowly out of the blog...<<

outofAMMO said...

iguana: oh, i forgot that part. Thanx.
And abba: We're just too cool for you, huh?

iguana said...

Maybe he just thinks a blog full of evil twins, words that kill you, and typos, might not be the place for him.

outofAMMO said...

he'd fit right in.