Thursday, December 21, 2006

Joke book

Is that two words, or one? Anyway, my first one took place during chumash class. We were starting Parshas Chukas, and my Rebbe was handing out work packets. On the cover of these was a big cow with a Soviet ensigna in the middle. So I ask my Rebbe," Whats with the Soviet symbol?" and he says," this parsha deals with the para aduma ( red cow).

Yukyukyuk. Here's another one:

Knock knock
whos there?
potatoes who?
potatoes are taking a shower!

Yeah, the PT came up with that one. I can't think of anymore, though. Maybe you have one?


outofAMMO said...

why thank you! Thats a pretty good one! I'll add that to the jokebook!

.30cal said...

one of the seniors keeps telling this one over and over again:
a guy walked into work with a black eye. his friend goes, who gave you that?
my wife did.
i thought your wife was out of town.
so did i.

another one.
a lubavitcher interecpts a chareidi in flatbush. he says, do you belive in God? the chareidi says, of course. the lubab goes, so will you come to my minyan at 5? the chareidi says, sure, and walks away. the lubab says to himself, i got that one.

outofAMMO said...

thats some good ones. I shoulda made this post a little while ago.

outofAMMO said...

Heres another one: my rebbe says that you have to do what everyone else in the area is. If they're crying, you have to cry, if they're dancing, you have to dance. Someone asks," what if you are standing in a cemetary?"

Ezzie said...

Oy. I think I can guess which one, too.

Rafiki said...

just the thought of that gave me the jibblies.

outofAMMO said...

Thats a visual I could have done without.

iguana said...

Jibalai Jiblai...Jebelee

outofAMMO said...

You, too, IGUANA.

iguana said...

You know, you should never make fun of someone with the jibbilies, Outofammo.

iguana said...

I got one: On a scale of 1 to 10, winter is below zero.

outofAMMO said...

It'd be funny if it weren't true.

iguana said...

Oh, that's okay. It works both ways. You can warm yourself up by saying

"on a scale of 1 to 100,
summer is 110."

outofAMMO said...

I think I'm getting sunburn already. Thanks, Iguana!

iguana said...

I know that the avatar isn't the same thing as the blogger, but how in the world do you get suntan?!

outofAMMO said...

the paint starts peeling off.

iguana said...

That's a visual I could do without.