Sunday, December 03, 2006


OK, 30cal and PsychoToddler may have beat me to the punch, and I may be little late, but I DID have a Bar Mitzvah this week!
It was completely crazy. At one AM Shabbos morning, 30cal was reading me my speech, and he pointed out so many errors I freaked. I had a terrible speech, and I had to give it in, like, 10 hours. Even if we made changes, I wouldn't be able to write them down. When I got up to read the speech after davening in front of the entire congregation, I was barely reciting from the paper. Most of it was off the top of my head, and believe me that I was terrified when I gave it. Funny that everyone actually liked it more than my leining. Or is that just in contrast to my leining? Well, whatever. I'm just glad to be over with it. It's good to know that the rest of the year is smooth sailing.


PsychoToddler said...

You did a great jorb! We're very proud of you.

Mazel Tov.

Now get to work on those thank you cards!!

Ayelet said...

Sounds like your fam is really proud of you! Mazal tov. Make your nation proud!

outofAMMO said...


outofAMMO said...

thank you.

iguana said...

Now that your Bar Mitzvah, your going to be obligated to fast. But that won't be a problem, will it?

fudge said...

leaping lizards! you ARE a teenager!