Thursday, July 12, 2007

Been a while

I haven't blogged in like a week...or maybe it was more than that. But whatever. I really can't think of anything worth blogging about. Fudge has practically monopolized the PT, so I can't do PT qoutes. Rafiki makes movies, and 30 cal justs hangs out and raps Linkin Park on his blog.

Basically, I need a hobby. I need some kind of gimmi(c?)k to bring the customers back. Uh...


...any ideas?


Shira Salamone said...

I think there's enough of the The PT to go around. :)

As for your future hobby, so, nu, what sorts of activities interest you? Do you enjoy writing, art, music, math, science, history, reading . . .?

outofAMMO said...


Well, really I want to do something funny

Shira Salamone said...

Hmm, maybe you can try your hand at writing comic strips.

fudge said...

two words: beeee yourself. be smart! punctual!

fudge said...

but don't take that as license to write about krill again.

iguana said...

If you put a little more effort into it, Outofammo, your new hobby could be blogging! I don't know how stable that would be though.

outofAMMO said...

what? wait, what? My new hobby could be blogging??? I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to reread this post, Iguana.

iguana said...

This is probably the part where I say "Who? Me?"

outofAMMO said...


iguana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
iguana said...

Hey! I was gonna read that comment!